I love lighthouses. To me they have always seemed such heroic structures, standing sentinel alone, sometimes in the most desolate places. They shine their light into the dark, beacons of hope in the storm.
Pt. Vicente Light, Palos Verdes, CA |
I'd like to live in one someday.
Pt. Fermin Light, San Pedro, CA |
"Pew told me about Salts years ago, when wreckers lured ships onto the rocks to steal the cargo. The weary seamen were desperate for any light, but if the light is a lie, everything is lost. The new lighthouses were built to prevent this confusion of light. Some of them lit great fires on their platforms, and burned out to sea like a dropped star. Others had only twenty-five candles, standing in the domed glass like a saint's shrine, but for the first time, the lighthouses were mapped. Safety and danger were charted. Unroll the paper, set the compass, and if your course is straight, the lights will be there. What flickers elsewhere is a trap or a lure.
The lighthouse is a known point in the darkness." - Jeanette Winterson, Lighthousekeeping
Lions Light for Sight, Long Beach, CA |
Keep your lights shining my friends, and be a known point.